A Smile is Contagious.

In the world of health care, the word contagious evokes thoughts of germs and colds. But…contagious can be good. In our world, at Solstice, we design dental plans to create healthy smiles. And a healthy smile is a confident smile…and that’s contagious.

With Solstice dental plans, your smile is essential to your health and to your confidence. There are moments when your smile inspires others to smile, laugh, and enjoy a moment; it’s contagious. When you smile, it’s not only about oral health. It’s about showcasing the best part of you. It’s about combining health and confidence. Well-being with living well. It’s about insuring life’s happiest moments.

Our Passion

Simply put: you are our passion. Everything our team does is centered around crafting plans that support your health and happiness, and creating customer service that really and truly cares about your needs with empathy and sincerity.

Our customer's needs come first. No but really, they do.

Illustration Base Our customer's needs come first. No but really, they do. We have high standards. Sky high. We are one big happy family. We think outside the box and make things happen. We can look ourselves in the mirror.

It’s not just talk. We are committed to providing customers with cost-effective and service-oriented benefit plans. Customers’ needs come first—always. They’re important to us. Quality, service, satisfaction, partnership: these are our core goals for our customers.

Who is Solstice?

We’re a dental insurance company. We’re your partner in creating a healthy and contagiously happy smile. We’re uniquely different with our open-access plan model that makes it easier for you to use your benefits at the dentist’s office. We might not be a brand name you’ve heard of but we’re doing some really great things in the communities we serve. Our focus is to make a deep impact with our members, not deepening our pockets….and that’s just fine with us; we care more about being really great at taking care of your needs and insuring your life’s happiest moments. And while we’re not the biggest, we are proud to be recognized as one of the best.

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